Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More New York Lightning

I love to photograph lightning. I took this about an hour ago. It's such a chance game... and a little stupid on my part for taking the picture in my bare feet holding on to a metal tripod. The only thing missing was a lightning rod in my hand to attract the lightning with. "Heeeerrrrre flashy flashy flashy!" Boom! I hope you enjoy my stupidity.


Kilroy_60 said...

This blog is off to a great start. My compliments.

I felt like blogging a bit tonight, but not writing. So I thought I'd do a bit of work on the next edition of A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Blogosphehre. Although I have no idea when I'll publish it.

Can you believe it, 20 sites and yours is the only one I'd want to include.

If you come to have a look and want to do a link exchange we can go forward with that. Otherwise in a month or two I'll hook you up with the link I mentioned.

In any case, keep shooting. You do great work.


robin said...

Electrifying photo!