Thursday, May 10, 2007

I took this from the backseat of a car going 70 MPH on a trip to New Hampshire to see Ryan Adams. Good memories on that trip. I just pointed the camera and pressed the button. Life is random, sometimes you capture it.

This image also vividly reminds me of my childhood. When I was young my family and I would travel 2 hours West to go to Seattle for the weekend sometimes. There were these power lines that looked like this that came from one of the numerous dams far away on the Columbia River. They marked the halfway point for the trip. Even if I wasn't paying attention as to where we were from the back seat of the car, I always knew we crossed the halfway point when the high current from the power lines caused the AM radio to suddenly buzz like a swarm of bees for a few seconds, then return back to whatever country song was playing at the time. It amazed me how they came down one side of a mountain and went back up another, at times almost leaning 90 degrees off the side of the hill. Just a straight line… no matter how steep the terrain. It was as if someone drew a line with a ruler on a map and said, “That’s how we will get power from here to there” with no concept of geography. What is so simple on paper can be so complicated in reality.

That reminds me of this photographer/artist, can’t remember his name, that use to go out in the desert and flip stones in a straight path for miles, then photograph the line. Random.

***UPDATE: The name of the artist is Richard Long -
btw... FIONA ROCKS! She told me who he was!


Unknown said...

I have similar memories from Seattle to Moses Lake. Hey what about "yikes"? You should find some random construction along a road and get some shots. Send them to your Mom for Mother's Day. Bet she'd love it...

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the artist Richard Long? He makes lines/shapes with stones in landscapes and photographs them!

Anonymous said...

Oh ... and I meant to add ... great shot by the way ;-)